
Saturday, April 23, 2022

One Hundred Faces Opening Event

Today’s highlight: the official opening of ONE HUNDRED FACES at Playing in the Attic.

The exhibition is part of the Tiny Towns Arts Trail running this Anzac Day long weekend, Friday 22 April - Monday 26 April (see previous post).

The show seems to get better every year. Huge thanks to Trudy Mclaughlan (pictured to my right, top, in photo #5 and with Loris Button in photo #8) for her support of local artists and for all the work involved in mounting this delightful annual event. It was lovely to see Loris and her husband, Peter, (pictured to the right of exhibiting artist Shane Jones, second photo from top). 

Loris has an exquisite self-portrait in the show, in fact, it’s hanging to the left of mine. A detail is below. Also in the following view: Pierrot #1 by Shane Jones. (Bottom row, left). 

ONE HUNDRED FACES continues for a further six weeks. Do get along and see it if you can.

Playing in the Attic

13 Ballaarat Street

Talbot VIC 3371

Opening hours: Friday - Monday, 10 am - 4 pm

📸 Top photo: Shane Jones.