
Monday, March 21, 2022

World Poetry Day

In honour of World Poetry Day which falls today, the Art Gallery of Ballarat has published a poem written by local poet and concert pianist Bronwyn Blaiklock in response to my painting, Vorticist II, 2004.

To read Bronwyn’s poem, Entanglement, visit the AGB’s Facebook Page HERE or their Instagram Page HERE.

Bronwyn’s poem is a fine example of ekphrastic poetry. For those who are unfamiliar with the form, an ekphrastic poem is one that has been inspired by a work of art. For more about ekphrastic poetry, go HERE

Image: Deborah Klein, Vorticist II, 2004. Oil and synthetic polymer paint on canvas. Purchased with funds from the Colin Hicks Caldwell Bequest, 2005. Collection of the Art Gallery of Ballarat. © Deborah Klein