
Monday, July 2, 2018

Farewell, Exquisite Palette Show

Shane and I with our respective palettes. Photo credit: Louise Blyton

Yesterday afternoon Shane Jones and I called into Tacit Galleries for a last look at the St Luke Artist Colourmen Exquisite Palette Show during its final hours. (It was virtually impossible to see the works on the lively, but jam-packed opening night). I also wanted to bid a fond farewell to my palette, which I’ll very likely never see again. 

My Reflection, 2018, acrylic on wooden palette

It was great bumping into St Luke's Co-founder and Co-director, artist Louise Blyton, who took the photo of us with our palettes. Shane’s “ink drawing” of our cat Alice on a sketchbook page that’s apparently taped to his palette is an illusionistic work which fooled the majority of viewers, even in extreme closeup. Aside from the natural wood of the palette, the entire work, including the masking tape and slightly creased overhanging corner of the “paper,” is an oil painting. 

Shane with Sketch of Alice, 2018, oil on wooden palette

Directly below, the lovely Louise stands alongside the St Luke Artist Colourmen Exquisite Palette Manifesto, while her elegant wrap-around palette What's Arp? hovers above it. 

Louise Blyton with her palette What's Arp? 2018 (detail), one of my favourite works in the show