This afternoon a wonderful surprise package arrived in the mail:
PRINTED - images by Australian Artists 1942 - 2020, by Roger Butler, a sumptuous 416-page book published by the National Gallery of Australia.
My linocut, St Kilda Warrior, 1997, 61.4 x 45.4 cm, is reproduced on page 240.
Images above (clockwise from top left):
Barbara Hanrahan, Birth, 1986, linocut;
Kate Lohse, 1986, Women’s issues, etching/aquatint;
Diane Mantzaris, The Wedding Present, 1987, lithograph from computer generated image;
Deborah Klein, St Kilda Warrior, 1997, linocut.
All works collection National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
Over the coming months I’ll be working on several printmaking projects and this exhaustively researched, lavishly illustrated publication will be an invaluable reference.