
Monday, February 13, 2017

FOTP 2017

Pictured below are a handful of highlight's from yesterday afternoon's spectacular 2017 Festival of the Photocopier Zine Fair at magnificent Melbourne Town Hall. Despite a number of conflicting events in our fair city, the turn-out was fantastic, with visitor numbers well into the thousands. With Sticky Institute at the helm, support from the City of Melbourne, assistance above and beyond the call of duty from my partner, Shane Jones, and warm companionship from our stall neighbours, Gracia Haby and Louise Jennison, what could possibly go wrong? Well, thanks in no small part to Sticky Institute and the dedication and professionalism of our fellow stall holders, absolutely nothing did.

Pictured with some of my zines. To my right are Gracia and Louise with some of theirs. Photo: Shane Jones.

With the indispensable Shane Jones, minutes before the doors opened to a deluge of zine fanciers.
Photo credit: Gracia Haby.

Feeling justifiably proud of my new Moth Woman Press sign. Photo by Shane Jones.

Gracia Haby and Louise Jennison.

It seemed to us that the visitor count was even higher than last year.

People continued to arrive in droves right up until the very end.

It was a day to remember and treasure. Thanks so much to all of the above and to everyone who came along. For a more detailed pictorial view of the Festival of the Photocopier Zine Fair, visit Moth Woman Press HERE.