Thanks to a truly superhuman effort by Stephen McLaughlan, the installation of my solo show has been completed. I couldn’t be more delighted with the beautiful, elegant hang, and can’t thank Stephen enough.
Last night Shane and I projected Stephen’s detailed installation views on the big screen in our home cinema. They gave us a very real sense of the look and feel of the show, outside of actually being there. We still can’t believe Stephen achieved it all in a day - less than that, actually - as delivery of the work wasn’t until lunchtime (another shoutout to the brilliant Ballarat branch of Pack & Send).
While we await the outcome of the current lockdown, an interim invitation is pictured above and, by way of a teaser, an installation view is below. Photo credit: Stephen McLaughlan.
To compensate for the show’s delayed start, the gallery’s opening hours will be extended for the run of the show (see invitation). I can’t wait to see the real thing and hope you will join me as soon as lockdown allows.