
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A flying visit to The Art Vault

Chrysochroa buqueti beetle woman, 2014, watercolour, 41.91 x 29.72 cm,
one of six works I have in AMONGST US at The Art Vault

Pictured top: Chrysochroa buqueti beetle woman in flight for AMONGST US, a group show by Rona Green, Rachel Derum, Philip Faulks, Bill Hay and Deborah Klein. 

I’m pleased to announce that I'll soon be following suit. Originally I wasn't able to attend, but now look forward to joining fellow artists at the opening event.

Saturday 21 September: informal artist talk at 2.30 pm, official launch from 3pm - 4pm

The Art Vault
43 Deakin Avenue
Mildura VIC 3500
(03)5022 0013

Opening hours: Monday 10 am - 2 pm; Wednesday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm; Saturday 10 am - 3 pm

The exhibition runs from 18 September - 7 October 2019