
Sunday, June 19, 2022

When one door closes…

This morning the studio door closed on a major body of work, several of which have singularly personal significance. 

Odalisque, 2022, diptych, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 20 cm
Photo credit: Tim Gresham 

Seeing it all reduced to little more than two boxes, it’s hard to believe that two years of work is sitting there - and then some. But you know what they say about big things coming in small packages...

As many of you are aware, most of the works in these boxes were made during a particularly challenging time in my life. Happily, that time has ended on a positive note, in perfect unison with the completion of the work.

This afternoon we delivered the boxes to Queenscliff Gallery. The next time I see their contents will be on the walls of the gallery.

My solo show, Rückenfigur, opens on June 23.

The opening event is on Sunday, June 26, from 2-4 pm

I hope you’ll come along next Sunday to help me celebrate happy endings, new beginnings - and so I can thank you for all your support along the way.

03 4202 0942 | A 81 Hesse Street Queenscliff VIC 3225 
Gallery hours: 10 am - 4 pm. Closed Tuesdays.