
Saturday, March 14, 2020

APW George Collie Memorial Print Award recipient

With profound gratitude to the Australian Print Workshop, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been awarded the 2020 APW George Collie Memorial Print Award.

"The Australian Print Workshop has administered the APW George Collie Memorial Award on behalf of the Collie Print Trust since 2014. The Australian Print Workshop is delighted to have this opportunity to recognise important and lifelong contributions to fine art printmaking. The annual Award presentation is accompanied by an exhibition of the recipients’ work in the APW Gallery".

The 2020 George Collie Memorial Print Award exhibition will also honour the work of one of my printmaking muses, the late Barbara Hanrahana selection of whose works are HERE. I’m honoured to have my name linked with hers and distinguished past recipients Alun Leach-Jones and Kevin Lincoln (2019), Graham Fransella and Euan Heng (2018), Kitty Kantilla and John Wolseley (2017), Bea Maddock and Jennifer Marshall (2016), Grahame King and Jan Senbergs (2015) and Rick Amor and Noel Counihan (2014).

The George Collie Memorial Print Award exhibition opens ‪on Saturday ‪13 June 2020.

Image top: Mildred Pierce on St. Kilda Pier (1995, linocut, 65 x 46 cm. Collections: Australian Print Workshop, Vic., National Gallery of Australia, ACT., Art Gallery of NSW, Art Gallery of Ballarat, Vic., Monash University, Vic.
 and others).