
Monday, December 8, 2014

Back at the Art Vault

Following are just some of many highlights of our return to Mildura and the Art Vault.

We arrived on the afternoon of November 24. After reuniting with the fabulous Art Vault crew, placing our work around the two gallery walls prior to the hang of our shows and unpacking, Shane and I celebrate our return with a glass of Prosecco in the elegant art deco surrounds of the Brewery, which, in bygone days, was a picture palace.

The evening of November 26: now comfortably settled back in our apartment, we prepare for our exhibition opening.

Below left-right: Shane with the Art Vault's Robert and Andrew...

…and me with the Art Vault's Sonja Hodge.

Our show was launched by local writer/composer Helen Healey. The opening event took the form of an informal discussion, primarily about the importance of drawing in visual art. In the background of this and the following two shots are Shane's paintings.

Then the opening got under way.

My work is exhibited in Gallery 2.

We even made the local paper...

…and were also interviewed on the ABC Radio breakfast show

Then it was back to work. Studio 10, one of two studios allocated to us, is directly across the courtyard from our apartment.

My first project in progress: the watercolour Rainforest Beetle Woman...

…and my second watercolour in progress: European Wasp Woman.

During the residency, I had a birthday. Art Vault Director Julie Chambers treated us all to some spectacular cakes from 27 Deakin, my favourite Mildura cafe. They were every bit as delicious as they look. The following photos were taken by Anne Spudvilas:

A full house: Shane and I pictured with the entire Art Vault team. From left: Mia, Andrew, Shane and I, Julie, Robert, Sonja and Anne (she set the timer on her camera). Shane's racecourse paintings grace the walls above and below.