
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cotton Harlequin Bug Woman #2

Recalling the colourful Commedia dell’arte character from which she takes her name, Cotton Harlequin Bug Woman is a hybrid of Tectocoris diophthalmus, a bug with bright metallic colours. Found in northern Australia and also common in agricultural areas, it has a long proboscis that is used to pierce plants in order to feed on the liquid nutrients.

Cotton Harlequins are particularly prevalent at this time of year, which enabled the documentation of this never before seen sub-species.

The same homo-insecta was the subject of a linocut of the same name, made for the forthcoming Australian Print Workshop exhibition IMRESSIONS 14 (see blog Post October 18).

Pictured top: 
Cotton Harlequin Bug Woman, 2014, watercolour, pigmented drawing ink and pencil, 41.5 x 30 cm.

Pictured Below:
Developmental stages of the work.